Friday, December 27, 2019

How Miss Tiaira Is Doing Very Well - 855 Words

Another New Year has begun to unfold, along with all the trials and tribulations that every New Year brings forth. Yet, know this; the Greene family is in great spirits, and favorable health. We hope all of you, and yours’ hold the same spirit and health as we move throughout the days of 2016, and beyond, living this great thing we call†¦Life! Miss Tiaira is doing very well. A 2015 graduate from the college of St Rose, with a dual bachelors degree in Special Ed and Early Childhood Education that includes a dual minor in English and Health Science. Way to go T! It has been a long road, five years in the making, but the light shines brightly on this well traveled road of hers. We are very proud of her accomplishments. She is even considering graduate school at MCLA in Advanced Special Education, something her Aunt Linda in South Dakota had an influence on, perhaps because she is another very special educator. Tiaira currently teaches part-time at Bethlehem Preschool when she is not Nanning for the McKenna’s, a family she has grown very close to in the last 18 months. She loves her two jobs and children. She holds the patience of a saint, and is naturally giving of love unconditionally to all. We often wonder where she came from, with a Mom and Dad like the two of us. Whether it was the local stork, the milkman , or us, we do not care, we are so very proud to call her ours. She reached for her dreams, and achieved them. She continues to enjoy traveling, camping,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Comparing Human Nature in Macbeth and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde CA The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written in the Victorian Era by Robert Louis Stevenson, this novella dwells into the concept of the duality of human nature. The narrative is extremely fragmented structure due to the use of multiple narrators and through the use of mixed media, in the form of letters and accounts. The inconsistent structure conveys that of a gothic detective story; which were very popular in the Victorian era. Victorian London at the time was the largest city in the world, with a total population of around 4 million people in the 1880’s, and was one of the first cities to become completely urbanised. For the first time, more people were living in towns and cities than in the country.†¦show more content†¦Macbeth may have had more choice in the crimes he committed but he also had more factors trying to influence the decisions he was making. As Macbeth’s fatal flaw was greed, the witches tempt Macbeth when they chant, â€Å"All hail Macbeth! That shalt be King hereafter† in Act 1 scene 3, because he couldn’t risk something that would dramatically increase his status in society just to chance. Macbeth was also affected by Lady Macbeth when she questions his manhood in, â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man// Be so much the man.† For a male at the time, to be questioned of their masculinity was the ultimate insult, especially from a woman. This emotional blackmail device from Lady Macbeth clearly worked, because Lady Macbeth was able to take full control of Macbeth hereafter. In the same manner that Lady Macbeth goads her husband, Macbeth then provokes the murderers by questioning their manhood, â€Å"Ay, in the catalogue ye go for men†. Both of these acts show that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth equate masculinity with naked aggression, and whenever they converse about manhood, violence soon follows. Their understanding of manhood allows the political order depicted in the play to descend into chaos. Lady Macbeth and the potion acted as a catalyst for both of these main characters. Lady Macbeth removed any confusion in Macbeth’s mind of whether to let chance decide his fate or to take action ,when she says â€Å"Chance may crow me/ Without my stir†. She does this by

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A critic in every port food and water Essay Example For Students

A critic in every port: food and water Essay LONDON: Discovering the links between spiritual grace and grocery shopping; reliving Irelands sectarian violence in the company of a band of mummers; plunging waist-deep in 224 tons of water with Vietnamese puppeteers manipulating a water buffalo: This years London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) offered something for everyone, as the biennial event has ever since its 1981 inception. New Yorkers were right to feel a particular pride, since three of the festivals most popular Events originated in Manhattan. The Wooster Group attracted nightly lines for return tickets with its multimedia deconstruction of Chekhov, Brace Up!, allowing Londoners a glimpse of lots of New York Attitude as well as film star Willem Dafoe returning to his stage roots in the role of Three Sisters violin-sawing kid brother Andrei. (Dafoes astonishing wig, hair parted on the side and shooting off into space, reminded more than one local observer of British actor Alex Jennings in Richard Joness legendary production of Too Clever by Half.) The productions hypnotic Vershinin, Ron Vawter, reappeared the following week to perform his no less riveting duet of solo monologues, Roy Cohn/Jack Smith, adding a special benefit performance to fund a local support group for women with AIDS. A film-star who has not of late returned to her roots, Sigourney Weaver, was on site at the Regents Park boating lake to cheer on husband Jim Simpsons production of Mac Wellmans Bad Penny. To this observer, Bad Penny offered the most entertaining impromptu theatre of the festival, whether in the musings of one heckler who had to be told sotto voce that he was watching a performance (unlike with most New Yorkers, that admonition seemed to do the trick of shutting him up) or in the umbrella-wielding chorus chanting incomprehensible while lunchtime passers-by clearly thought exactly that. (Wellman was represented as well by the funny, torrential monologue Terminal Hip.) If the in-your-face aggressions of Bad Penny seemed distinctly un-English, the boating lake provided the pleasantest possible counterpart to its original Central Park location; in either case, the site of the event was as exciting as the event itself. Certainly that was the feeling one blazing summer Sunday when the classical loggia of the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, southeast London, found itself hosting both the Hanoi Water Puppets and a pageant of Vietnamese history, Sang Song Water Crossing. Oddly, neither popular attraction drew much of the Vietnamese community from around Greenwich the largest in Britain beyond the entrepreneurs who set up stalls to sell prawn toast, noodles and other indigenous dishes. The low Vietnamese turnout apparently reflected the divided country itself, as local refugees are thought to scorn official state representatives (which the Hanoi Water Puppets of course were seen to be). Still, anyone expecting an afternoon of veiled propaganda was in for a surprise. Boasting 10 puppeteers and 5 singer-musicians, the event provided an enchanting introduction to a technique that even in Vietnam is infinitely mysterious. (Company members must sign a contract agreeing not to give away the tricks of the trade.) Whether spitting water and fire or embarking upon a lovely phoenix dance, the puppets captivated a sellout crowd of 400, many of them children and all of them no doubt ready to jump into the pool once the show had ended. As for Sang Song, this re-enactment of Vietnams mythical beasts the dragon, unicorn, phoenix and golden turtletraced a journey from the Mekong to the Thames involving 200 children from 9 Greenwich schools. If the pageantry wore thin, the delight of the participants never didmany of them looked as though they were ready to embark upon a life in the theatre at the ripe old age of seven. .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .postImageUrl , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:hover , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:visited , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:active { border:0!important; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:active , .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847 .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubb404c0278301cffeb0007008603b847:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ways to stage old chestnut Hamlet by Aaron Beall EssayIn addition to the Vietnamese duo, Asia provided two other intriguing LIFT entries. The Chengdu Theatre of Sichuan had a small-scale (and little-seen) triumph in Ripples over Stagnant Water, which made history of sorts by being the first contemporary Chinese play ever to be seen in Britain; adapted by the director Zha Lifang from a novel by Sichuans most famous modern writer, Li Jieren, the play lived up to its billing as a Sichuan Madame Bovary, even if its depiction of erotic and geographical yearning seemed to honor Chekhov over Flaubert. And while LIFT 93 offered no staging of a classic to rival Hungarys landmark Katona Jozsef Three Sisters from 1989, Indian director Neelam Mansingh Chowdry shifted Lorcas fiery Yerma to her own country, mounting a production of earthy, often brutal lucidity spoken in Punjabi and yet accessible to everyone. In Chowdrys telling, Lorcas tragedy of misplaced love was an occasion for various images Peter Brook would no doubt appreciatea blood-stained sheet lifted at the climax to take the place of the expected physical encounter; Yerma covered in dry leaves standing under a burning rope; a chorus of ecstatic release linking the passions in Lorca, surprisingly but not ineptly, to those of Brian Friels Dancing at Lughnasa. Elsewhere, text itself mattered less than at this years LIFT than theatre pieces working by image and association. One eventGordon Stefanovskis timid and ponderous Sarajevo needed all the associations it could muster to measure up to the horrific daily newspaper chronicles of a soon-to-be-lost city under constant siege; if ever a play tied to current events was shown up by those very events, the hapless Sarajevo was it, and in context one could only feel sorry for the hardworking cast. In a class of its own and class is the operative word given the shows venue, a Regents College lecture hallwas How to Shop, the new performance piece from North London housewife and mother of two (her description) Bobby Baker. Indeed, Ms. Baker was big on self-definition, starting her show by making it completely plain that I am a woman. That she is, as well as an engaging mix of Penelope Keith and Rose English: at once cozily suburban and surreal. Her show is nominally a guide to supermarket shopping, complete with slides of the Croyden Co-op in South London; but food for Baker is merely a means to the end of achieving spiritual grace, and its no accident that the show ends with her hoisted aloft in a state of angelic exultation. (We are looking for more that just our groceries, she tells us helpfully. We are shopping for life in the deepest sense.) When How to Shop disappointed, which it sometimes did, the fault lay less in the made-on-the-spot garlic croutons (mine were soggy) than in a refusal to take the conceit even further. The shopping cart routines were fun but not fleshed out, and theres only so much mileage to be got out of meaningful stares at tinned anchovies. Whats needed is more of the abandon of Bakers best moments, whether via footage of her swimming bare-breasted in a pool of red wine or searching through the bread section for love. In the end, all links between parsley and humility aside, Baker constitutes her own best invention. No wonder it was among the more disconcerting moments in all of LIFT to enter a north London restaurant a mere hour or so after her lesson on food to find none other than Baker and her entourage having an animated dinner in one corner the angel, amazingly, was human after all.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Marketing Audit Barriers case study Nokia Essay Example

Marketing Audit Barriers : case study Nokia Paper Assignment on Marketing planning Unit 19 We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Audit Barriers : case study Nokia specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Audit Barriers : case study Nokia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Audit Barriers : case study Nokia specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Assignment-1:Marketing Audit A ; Barriers Task- 1 Introduction of Nokia Nokia is a nomadic company who are committed to linking people. In September 2013, Nokia announced to come in into an understanding with Microsoft. Nokia physique with combined advanced engineering with individualized services, which makes people to remain near. Nokia plans to concentrate on three established concern in the market segments where NSN is leader in web substructure and services. Nokia established their concern in many topographic points around the universe as Brazil- Manus established in 1998, China- Beijing established in 1995, Hungary- Komaron established in 1999, India- Chennai established in 2006. Nokia president and interim CEO is Risto Siilasmaa. Around the universe, 1.3 billion people are linking Nokia device with nomadic phone to ache phone and work with high public presentation nomadic computing machines every twenty-four hours. Integrating Nokia device with advanced services through Ovi clients may be able to download music, Google maps, apps, electronic mail and more. So globally, Nokia provides solutions and services for communicating web. 1.1 A ; 1.2 Changing position and rating of organisation’s capableness for be aftering its hereafter selling activity Nokia is concentrating on cardinal concern countries like high-end smart phones and mass-market Mobile phones where each unit sections will see net income and loss duty including merchandise development, merchandise direction and merchandise selling for all client experiences. Nokia is making a new leading squad and operation construction by which they plan for future selling activity. Nokia is establishing new smart phone like Nokia Lumia 925, 630, 520. These symbian Smartphone is making a winning windows phone when other phone companies are updating mobile phone applications, Nokia was go oning to concentrating on nomadic phone devices instead than mobile phone applications. Therefore Nokia missed the major alterations in Smartphone revolution of its market as the client passage from traditional nomadic phones to ache phones, which the other phones companies are marketing inexpensive French telephone with assorted characteristics. The monetary value of Nokia was relatively high. The concern of Nokia has become merchandise focused instead than client focal point. So, Nokia missed the chance. But now Nokia has updated their French telephones and added some particular applications and characteristics like music, Google maps, apps, electronic mail, games med ia sharing, on-line shop etc in their smarts phones. As the clients of Nokia can download from ovi shops online and they can besides download figure of programmes and nomadic package for force. In add-on, Nokia website provides the solution of the job of their consumer’s device and package. Hence, the mark of Nokia is to linking people. Therefore, it can be said that Nokia can distribute their concern in the hereafter by updating their hardware and adding some sole characteristics in their merchandise. 1.3 Organizational auditing and analysing of external factors and techniques that might impact selling planning Definition of SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis is used to analysis company’s state of affairs by which it evaluates the company’s overall strength, failing, chances and menaces. ( Ferrel A ; Hartline,2012 ) SWOT analysis of Nokia: Positive Negative Internal Strength Failing Opportunities Menaces External Diagram of SWOT analysis Strength Nokia is the world’s biggest manufacturer, industry and distributer of cell phones. Nokia phones are long lasting, lasting and dependable. Around the universe, Nokia is taking the planetary cell phone industry. Nokia follows all manner schemes with new coevals characteristics and manner from industries. Nokia work force works with advanced engineering. Nokia has assortment of merchandise in different monetary value scope. Failing Nokia net income border has dropped 40 % in 2010. ( new 2010-07-22 ) Nokia phones monetary values are higher comparison to other cell phone. Some theoretical account of Nokia phones has been cancelled by the distributer due to low market demand, like E-71. Nokia has few serving Centre comparison to other phone company. Opportunities Today in Asia nomadic phone industry is one of the fastest turning industry. Because the population is higher in Asia beside than other continent. Hence Nokia has the chance to catch these market. Nokia has tremendous demand of possible in developing states like China, India, and Bangladesh. Nokia has chance to do net incomes by selling nomadic phone in different states. In Asia immature people wants fashionable and stylish French telephones, which Nokia has. Peoples from different income group can take Nokia French telephone harmonizing to their budget. Menaces Nokia is in a force per unit area to maintain their monetary value depression from other nomadic manufacturers. For some Chinese merchandise, Nokia is losing planetary market. It is really hard for Sellerss to compare their merchandise and maintain trueness. Some Chinese French telephones in the market do really complicated to pick the clients need. Nokia French telephones are non update comparison to their challengers as a consequence people are taking Nokia French telephones over other cell phones. Plague analysis and its usage Pestle analysis is defined as ( political, economical, societal, proficient factors ) analysis which are used as analytical tools for measuring the impact on a company. Pestle analysis is used to happen the existent or possible factors which affect aims of a company. ( Ruth, 2010 ) Political factors In Asia part states like Bangladesh, India, Nepal, political instability is a major job. In Bangladesh authorities straight involved in some factors like revenue enhancement policy, employment Torahs environmental ordinance, say whether the workers are acquiring minimal rewards, maximal hours are given in wellness and safety ordinance. In some instances authorities increase their revenue enhancement and set new regulative system. These are the political factors Nokia has to face. Environmental factor Bangladesh is a mid flat income state. Slowly the state GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) per capita income is lifting high as people buying power is increasing particularly when it comes to mobile phone everyone is utilizing it. Peoples want to purchase phone which is long lasting and which has new characteristics. Among them Nokia is one of those trade name where people can trust to utilize. So Nokia can capture the market by conveying new smart phones with good characteristics. Social factors Socially every people in Bangladesh is utilizing nomadic phone. There are many nomadic phone companies is Bangladesh like Nokia, Samsung, Symphony etc. among them most of the people prefer to by Nokia mobile phone because they are long lasting, easy to utilize and hard. These yearss Nokia brings new characteristics phones like Nokia Lumia, Asha, and moddle aged and immature people loves to utilize these Windowss phone as they can easy accommodate and they can used to back up in different facets of single life style and behavior. Technological factor Day by yearss technological factors alterations. Without conveying advanced engineering with good characteristics its really hard to exists with rivals. So Nokia built new Windowss phone like Lumia, Asha, N8 by utilizing upgraded equipments for better fabrication. Political environment Economic environment Social environment Technological environment Diagram of Pest Analysis ( beginning ; Ruth, 2010 ) Porter 5 force and its usage Porter five forces is a model where administrations can analysis the impact of the company. Porter five force is used to work on scheme formulating, cost leading, differentiate and acquire focused. Diagram of Porter five forces Menace of new entrants Harmonizing to analysis of Nokia the menace of new entrant is really low because Nokia phone engineering and characteristic is much progress comparison to other phones. As Nokia holds 29 % of market portion in the nomadic industry ( BBC intelligence 2011 ) . Like Nokia, Samsung, Symphony making these nomadic phone concern for a long clip. So if any company want to come and make these mobile phone concerns, they need a batch of investing beside they have to gain the trust of the clients. So the opportunity of new entrants is really low and Nokia will non to hold concern about in the close hereafter. Power of provider Nokia rely on its supplies to provide the equipment for their advanced nomadic phones. There are big figure equipment shapers from whom Nokia bargaining with the providers. Nokia besides have their package provider for their smart phones, like now Microsoft built Nokia package. As a taking phone company, Nokia has a really strong place to deal with the provider. Because there is a high figure of equipment provider who are ready to provide the equipments. Power of purchaser Nokia has broad scope of nomadic phones with different characteristics and monetary value so wholly people can able to purchase the nomadic phones within their budget. Old people besides prefer Nokia nomadic phones because it is easy to run. Nokia follows all manner schemes with new coevals characteristics and manner so clients get more attracted. Menaces of substitute’s merchandises Nokia has broad scope of nomadic phones with different characteristics and monetary values. So all people can able to purchase the nomadic phone with their budget. Old people besides prefer Nokia nomadic phones because it is easy to run. Nokia follows all manner schemes with new coevals characteristics and manner so client get more attracted. Menaces of substitute’s merchandises Nokia do non much client attention Centre, if any client stay really far, they might utilize other trade name mobile phone which client attention are available. Nokia smart phones are capable of batch of map beside there are many utility maps where client might purchase e.g. digital camera which takes better exposures than smart phones. Customers rely on nomadic phones and they expect all the maps will be at that place on their French telephone if some maps or characteristics are non at that place the client might travel and purchase other trade name smart phones. Competitive competition Nokia make smart phone like Nokia Lumia which are symbian package windows phones besides their challengers already by Android mobile phones which are more advanced such trade names are Samsung, Symphony etc. so there is really small distinction between the rivals which means new smart phones like Nokia Lumia will happen hard to contend with their rivals. So competitory competition is really is really high and Nokia must be cognizant of the menace that rivals have on their concern. 1.4 Organizational auditing and analysis of external factors that affect marketing planning of the company Porter 5 force analysis affect marketing planning of Nokia Porter five-force analysis affect selling planning of Nokia by assisting to understand Nokia strength of current place of the company. Porter 5 force analysis helps to cognize the company Nokia which are impacting others companies to come in the market. It besides helps to cognize whether the other companies are impacting Nokia merchandise as a menace of utility merchandise for their lower monetary values or better public presentation. It besides know how dependent the company is to their providers are available, which provider are giving goods at lower monetary value. The company Nokia should cognize their get downing power to purchasers like how many clients can purchase their merchandise within their scope. Compare to other companies Nokia is carry throughing client demands by given new coevals characteristics with attractive manner. By making porter 5 force analysis it helps Nokia to make marketing be aftering like how Nokia will make this concern in approaching yearss. Task- 2 2.1 The chief barriers to marketing planning for Nokia The chief barrier of marketing planning of Nokia is that Nokia has deficiency of cognition and selling accomplishments. There is deficiency of systematic attack in marketing planning. Nokia is confused between the selling map and selling construct. Their tactics and concern scheme is good. Comparing to other companies Nokia is non conveying new merchandise with hi-tech characteristics within a short period of clip where Samsung, Symphony can. The monetary value of nomadic phone is relatively high than other companies harmonizing to the characteristics and applications of nomadic phone. Therefore, they can non contend with their rivals. 2.2 How to get the better of barriers To get the better of these barriers Nokia should re-examine their market scheme and selling accomplishments. To contend with rivals Nokia can split into smaller market section where the suited merchandise for that chosen market section. Nokia should moo the monetary value of their nomadic phone and they besides should add more characteristics and applications in the phone. Nokia should increase their advertisement and publicity, these is how Nokia may able to get the better of their barriers. Mentions lt ; World Wide Web. global/about us gt ; Ferrell, O.C and Hartline, M. ( 2012 ) ,Selling Scheme, 6Thursdayedition, UK: Cengage Learning. Ruth, M. ( 2010 ) ,Management of hazard, Ireland, TSO Henry, A. ( 2011 ) ,Understanding Strategic direction, UK, Oxford University Press 1