Sunday, February 23, 2020

Explanation of liability, strict liability, accountability and moral Essay

Explanation of liability, strict liability, accountability and moral accountability in relation to obligations and duties as individuals and as parts of business organizations - Essay Example If he or she fails, such student is accountable for it and no one else. We can again cite as an example of the student. While the student is accountable for his or performance in class, he or she has also moral accountability to his or her parents to do his or her best because of their hopes for the student to be better prepared for the future. This is also a recompense for the sacrifices made by the parents for the student to send him or her to school. These terms relate to our obligations and duties as individuals - or as part of an organization in a way that they serve as the building block of ethics and integrity. Liability compels us to do good realizing that we are answerable for the consequence of our action. Our sense of accountability makes us responsible as a person and as a professional for we make sure that the trust and responsibility entrusted to our care are kept or done properly. Moral responsibility on the other hand enables us to perform duties and responsibilities even without the expectation of reward or repercussion but rather the internal drive to do good and be better. In the context of an organization, these terms make us ethical employees and/or managers. It makes us watch out for our actions because we can be held responsible for their consequences. On a positive note, these terms can help us become successful because it makes us responsible for any duties and tasks assigned to us. We also become trustworthy of a responsibility because we will not do anything that will have negative consequence both to us and the

Friday, February 7, 2020

Family Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Family Communication - Assignment Example Honesty is a virtue that my parents have cultivated in our house. My mother tells us that the truth will always set us free so we try as much as possible to be honest. As a family we are sincere, clear and specific with what we want to achieve. We also realize that we have our own weaknesses that we must inform each other so as to get support. My sister Linet is a sickling type and we are always there to help her whenever she cannot accomplish some of her tasks. The rules in the house are flexible and are subject to change depending on conditions. For example, we have a diet that must be followed in order to maintain our health. However, once in a while the diet is omitted to accommodate some people’s feelings and desires and this creates a sense of fulfillment in the house. We also relate well with the community around and with other family members. We have been accepted with the society and my parents play a major role in the community. My mother is a professional counselor who offers free counseling services when our estate is celebrating certain ceremonies. My dad on the other hand heads the regular cleaning services in the estate and he is also head of the security. This is an indication that our family links with the society is open and hopeful Satir 1988, pg