Monday, May 18, 2020

Genetic Engineering and Infertility - 1243 Words

Children are the brightness of life. Children are what make many sad people happy. Children are the future. This world is full of these tiny, energetic, innocent creatures. Most of the people have the chance to be a parent and have a child, but there are many that couldn’t. These people have problems. They are infertile people. These people wish to have kids. These people try so hard to fix their problems. One of four couples is infertile or dealing with infertility problems in developing countries, and one third to one half of these cases result from male infertility( Ethics for gene therapy). Blood test is what is used for measuring several factors that affect infertility (Salk Study). The question becomes can theses infertile people be parents? Based on many studies infertility can now be cured by gene therapy. There are many causes for male and female to be infertile. Infertility in men is when they are unable to produce sperm. The key that tells this man is infertile is changing in hair growth. ( Web Med) For male infertility there are many causes. There are three factors: genetic defects, hormonal imbalances, and anatomical problems. 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm count and poor sperm quality or both. Men who live a healthy life style are more likely to produce a healthy sperm. Smoking, alcohol, tight underwear, and stress are causes of infertility too. There is a small percentage of male infertility cause by hormonal problems. There also canShow MoreRelatedSale - Pro Plans Are 20% Off Today View Plans. Gradeproof1164 Words   |  5 PagesSentence Count: 28 Readability: 11.52 % Grade Level: 16.59 years Reading Time: 2 minutes Speaking Time: 4 minutes Type your title here... Genetic Engineering is a common theme of Gattaca, Splice, and Blade Runner. 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