Saturday, August 3, 2019

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Good evening. I’d like you all to do something for me. Think of one person who has inspired you, someone who you look up to and admire; someone who has done impressive things in their life. This person is someone that you will never forget. Now realize that that person has had to put in a great deal of work and time to achieve great things in their life. Know that nothing worth having or achieving comes easily. People like these can be hard to come by, but as students of Stoll High School, we have been extremely fortunate to have access to an entire staff of eager, ambitious and passionate teachers. Over our years here at SHS, many of us have been encouraged by one, if not more, of these extraordinary people. Perhaps when I asked you to think of that person who has inspired you, it was one of your teachers. These are the people who make a difference in the world. They may not affect the price of tea in China, but they challenge people around them to become better than they ever could on their own. Personally, I have been motivated and inspired by several excellent teachers. I would love to go through and list them all and tell you what they’ve done for me, but I’m afraid that if I did, I would lose the attention of those of you who are still actually listening to me. However, I would like to mention two of my personal heroes. First of all, the most challenging teacher I have ever had, Brady Smithson. I’m not sure exactly how I did it, but I survived two and a half years in her English classes, and somehow managed to keep my sanity. But through it all, she taught me to work harder than I ever imagined I could. Thanks for everything. And also, there’s my greatest inspiration, John Grabowski. Mr. Grabowski, thank you for the exceptional improvements which you have brought to the music program. It is so encouraging to see a teacher who views his work not as a job, but as a quest.

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