Thursday, August 22, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Interpersonal Communication - Term Paper Example Therefore, we can say that interpersonal communication is influenced by the nature of relationships that exists between individuals. Interpersonal communication has some distinguishing characteristics. Some of the main characteristics of interpersonal communication include convenience, commitment, and freedom. Let us describe all of these characteristics in some detail. Convenience or accessibility refers to the concept of availability. From organizational perspective, interpersonal communication needs all employees expressing willingness to communicate with each other. It never happens in interpersonal communication that one employee is talking and the other employee keeps quiet during the whole conversation. Interpersonal communication needs both persons to communicate with each other. Commitment is another characteristic of interpersonal communication, which means to express dedication and assurance to take part in the communication. Interpersonal communication is worthless without commitment of all employees involved in the communication. Expression of freedom is one of the most admirable characteristic of interpersonal communication. Freedom refers to the elimination of harsh attitudes or pressurized situations during interpersonal communication. All persons involved in the communications must have the freedom to raise their viewpoints in front of each other. While talking about interpersonal communication, let us talk about some of its main elements in order to get a detailed understanding of the principles of effective interpersonal communication. Kern (2010) asserts, â€Å"Effective communication helps in that the message is enable to achieve its goals and helps in receiving the desired response from the reader of the message†. Interpersonal communication is of many types, which include one-to-one conversation, small group conversation, social communication, business communication,

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