Sunday, August 11, 2019

Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching Article

Revisiting the role of miscue analysis in effective teaching - Article Example Goodman initially came up with a Taxonomy which featured 28 various kinds of miscues (Goodman, 1969). Developed originally for research reasons, its unwieldiness plus a need to enlarge its utilization inspired Carolyn Burke, Yetta Goodman in 1972 to establish a smaller edition made up of 9 questions to be queried about every miscue-which was a straightforward system that they reasoned would become a more manageable and helpful tool especially for teachers and clinics in the school system. Thus the authors were not so much interested in conventional quantitative measures like reading rate or reading accuracy and figured out that their qualitative method gave more fine-grained and appropriate information as compared to other methods of reading assessment. This therefore implies that using Reading Miscue Inventory (RMI)a learner’s incorrect answer ,in comparison to the printed word, may portray a variation in dialect, a shift in intonation, sound similarity, graphic similarity, syntactic acceptability, grammatical similarity, semantic acceptability, self-correction having semant ic acceptability and meaning change. It is clear that McKenna and her colleagues do not understand much about the analysis of miscue. Analysis of miscue continues to be accepted by teachers since it assists them comprehend how their students make sense of the written word. It is widely used in programs for educating teachers as a way of making teachers revalue the process of reading. Miscue also continues to be utilized in research since it gives a depth profile of the process of reading in use. There is no single publication of critique analysis which has proved its invalidity. McKenna and Picard and her colleagues only cite one unfunded study carried out by Goodman over 4 decades ago, which was at the very start of examination of oral

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