Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Active Listening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Active Listening - Essay Example First, I asked for her suggestion about a convenient meeting place. We jointly chose the conference room because it was a neutral and comfortable meeting place. I arranged the chairs in the conversational angle of 45 degrees. I also made drinking water accessible to her in case she needed. Then, I assured her of her confidentiality and the ultimate goal of listening and never judging her. I then switched off my phone and requested her to do the same to limit interruptions. In addition, I made sure that no one interrupted our session in the conference room. She began narrating her experiences with alcohol. Mainly, she explained how it affected her work, relationships, and family time. I maintained an eye contact with the client, nodded and sometimes encouraged her to talk through further probing. Mrs. Hirst cried at some level demonstrating her inner pain about the issue. I responded well by allowing her to shade tears after which we proceeded with the conversation. After the narration, she asked for my assistance. Instead, I guided her to make a sound solution to her problem by asking about her feelings and what she considers useful (Hoppe, 2011). She promised to stop drinking but required some guidance. I recommended a rehabilitation plan for her. At the end, I reassured her and promised her the confidentiality. I also appreciated her bold decision to address the problem. In conclusion, the session was emotional. However, I applied active listening skills to demonstrate maturity and help the client. I also set up a convenient environment and encouraged the client to speak without interruptions. I believe it was the best session

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