Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to eat Essay

Trash Trash by Andy Mulligan, an important event in the book is when the police go to the dumpsite looking for the bag. This event is important because it make Raphael, Gardo and Rat curious, it also makes the police angry because they can’t find the bag. The last reason is that it’s a catalyst to other events in the story. The story is about three boys in a third world country who earn a living by picking through rubbish. One day they find a bag, the contents of it put them into a terrifying adventure, fighting against corruption and authority. In the event I chose when the police go to the dumpsite looking for the bag. The police go to the dumpsite asking the residents including Raphael, Gardo and Rat if they found a bag, but the police didn’t get any answers. The first reason why the police going to the dumpsite looking for the bag is an important event, is because it makes Raphael, Gardo and Rat curious. It makes Raphael, Gardo and Rat curious because they had the bag and wanted to know why it was so important. The police said â€Å"We think this bag might have something important in it to help us solve a crime.† In other words, the police looking for the bag is an important part in the story, and if the police didn’t go to the dumpsite looking for the bag Raphael wouldn’t have gone looking for answers. The second reason why the police going to the dumpsite looking for the bag is an important event, is because it is a catalyst to other events in the story. If the police didn’t go to the dumpsite looking for the bag Raphael, Gardo and Rat wouldn’t have gone to the police station to find out why the bag is so important. Therefore, the police going to the dumpsite looking for the bag is a key part of the story. The last reason why the police going to the dumpsite looking for the bag is an important event, is because it makes the police angry because they can’t find the bag and that makes them interrogate Raphael and that shows how the police are corrupt because they beat Raphael. â€Å"What did you find?† said the boss â€Å"I didn’t find a bag, sir.† Raphael said. In summary the police going  to the dumpsite looking for the bag shows how the police are corrupt. In conclusion, in trash the police going to the dumpsite is an important event for three reasons. These are it is a catalyst to other events, it makes Raphael Gardo and Rat curious and it makes to police angry because they can’t find the bag. Andy Mulligan wrote this book to show the gap between the rich and the poor and how the police and government are corrupt. The police going to the dumpsite looking for the bag illustrates this by showing that the police will do anything to protect themselves and the government. This is a powerful life message.

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