Saturday, October 19, 2019

Neurological Biological Development of the Brain Essay

Neurological Biological Development of the Brain - Essay Example The brain is an incredibly intricate and complex part of the human body. It is made up of neurons, or brain cells and these brain cells connect to one another through synapses, which are physical gaps between the neurons. Then there are neurotransmitters which are used to carry signals between brain cells, and these also work by diffusing across the synapse and triggering the electrical activity that transmits information throughout the brain itself. The grown adult human brain contains about 200 billion neurons, and it needs to be known that the number of neurons that are in the brain actually does not change from birth, bur rather the growth occurs in the dendrites. The developmental process of the brain really takes on two separate sides, especially in regards to something such as communication, as the left part of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa, and so in order to come to a proper conclusion in regards to the developmental processes of the brain we t hus have to thoroughly examine and discuss the two parts of the brain separately and in their own regards. Both sides of the brain develop incredibly complexly, and there are many different intricate and codependent processes that are going on during the course and the development of a human being, and all of these need to be considered in a matter such as this. The first eight weeks of brain development is known as being the embryonic period, and this is before the baby is actually born, once they have been conceived and the very beginning of the neurological biological development of the brain begins, and during this time is when multiple different and significant changes take place, as the organs, systems, and tissues of the future are being induced and differentiated and put properly into place in regards to the brain's development, and then the growth and development and refinement of these organs, systems, and tissues begins at this point. The brain actually begins to develop very soon after the point of conception, sooner than many people seem to believe, and this is when the brain cells first begin forming at the very tip of the embryo; as well, by as early as three and a half weeks past the conception date, the neural tube will begin to expand and mature and will result in forming the spinal cord and the brain. At the beginning, during this point, the brain cells themselves multiply incredibly quickly, at a rate of 250,000 per minute, however after about the 20th week, there is a slowdown which will occur, and this happens because the brain is organizing itself into more than 40 separate systems, which thus causes a significant decrease in the multiplication of the brain cells. Then there is the foetal stage of development, which takes place from the third to the ninth month, and during this time is when "the communication lines between the brain and the periphery of the body

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