Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The leadership theories and personal leadership style Essay

The leadership theories and personal leadership style - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the leadership characteristics of individuals are not standardized; the professional and educational background is usually a key factor influencing the leadership capabilities of people worldwide. The author has rightly presented that at the same time, the personal view can highly influence the decisions of people as members of various social groups, either related to economic or social activities. In this context, determining the perfect position, in terms of leadership capabilities, can be a challenging task. The researcher’s leadership style, as influencing his perfect position in the workplace, is presented in this paper. Reference is made to leadership theories, as applied in social and business life internationally. This essay discusses that personal leadership approach is presented and evaluated in order to decide which would be the position in which the author would perform more successfully, that is which would be the r esearcher’s Perfect Position in the workplace. It is evidently clear from the discussion that different approaches have been developed in the literature for explaining the decisions of leaders. These approaches are based on different social or economic conditions. This means that the leadership style of each individual is unique; still, it seems that similarities in regard to the leadership styles of individuals cannot be avoided.... the participative and the authoritarian leadership styles; the first allows subordinates to participate in the decision making process while the second reflects the power of the leader to decide alone, i.e. without being influenced by the views of his subordinates (DuBrin 2008, p.348). On the other hand, Wright (2009) noted that leadership styles could be divided into six major categories: ‘visionary, coaching, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and commanding’ (Wright 2009, p.237). Using the above distinction of leadership styles, I would characterize my personal leadership style as visionary, a leadership style that has certain characteristics. Indeed, the visionary leader tend to focus ‘on the values of individuals’ (Wright 2009, p.237) and tries to continuously inspire individuals in order ‘to achieve long-term goals’ (Wright 2009, p.237). From a similar point of view, Cameron and Green (2012) note that the key characteristic of the vision ary leader is his ability to set long – term goals, i.e. to plan for the future, and not only for present. At the same time, it is made clear that the visionary leader can ‘inspire trust to subordinates’ (Cameron and Green 2012, p.158). At the same time, Riggio and Orr (2004) explain that a visionary leader is characterized by ‘high enthusiasm and integrity’ (Riggio and Orr 2004, p.225); such leader is also expected to focus ‘on empowering subordinates and sharing his vision’ (Riggio and Orr 2004, p.225). These characteristics of visionary leader will be evaluated, as related to my personal behavior in order to verify whether my leadership style is a visionary leadership style or not. 2.2 Personal leadership style, as related to leadership theories I have been working in a quite challenging sector, the

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