Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ammendments to the bill of rights of the US Constitution Essay

Ammendments to the bill of rights of the US Constitution - Essay Example Bill of Rights is the synonym of freedom to American citizens. The rights and freedoms that are covered under the Bill of Rights involve, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom to keep and Bear Arms, Freedom of Religion and Protection for that Accused of Crimes. Other crucial rights covered by Bill of Rights include Freedom to petition as well as the rights to save themselves from unreasonable search, seizure and cruel and unusual punishment. Citizens of United States are also entitled to the rights against compelled self-incrimination. The Bill of Rights limits the powers of the federal government in United States. These restrictions on the rights of the government boost up the rights of the citizens, visitors, and other temporary residents in the nation. Bill of Rights guarantees several crucial enumerated rights to the citizens. These amendments also control the government from making any new laws that respect the establishment of religion. These ame ndments also ensure that the government does not seize anybody’s life, property or freedom unless it happens by the processes of the law. Bill of Rights ensure that the Congress do not make any citizen deprive of his life and liberty. In the matter of criminal cases only the indictment by grand jury can deal a capital (infamous) crime. These special freedom rights ensure a speedy public trial on these cases using a local or impartial jury. These rights also ensure there never occurs a double jeopardy. The Fifth Amendment upholds the rights of people in this case. Majority of the Bill of Rights were applied to the nation by a sequence of decisions that include the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. These were included after the American Civil War. The Bill of Rights is a fundamental symbol of the freedom, liberty, independence and choice of the nation. Bill of Rights was first prepared in 1789 by James Madison and was drafted during a period when there happened nu merous ideological misunderstandings between Federalists and anti-Federalists. These ideological conflicts had started since the 1787 Philadelphia Convention. These conflicts and the associated problems questioned the Constitution's ratification. The Bill of Rights is closely associated with the 1689 English Bill of Rights, George Mason's 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights, English political documents like Magna Carta (1215) and the other important documents that were associated with the natural rights. The Bill of Rights answered all questions related to the freedom of citizens and was a big challenge to the celebrated founding fathers who completely forgot to include the basic principles of human liberty in the constitution. The Bill of Rights is too important for American citizens, American law and the government. You can find a copy of the Bill of Rights available for public display in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.. There are fourteen original copies of the Bill of Rights. December 15 is considered as the ‘Bill of Rights Day’ as per the declaration of the Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Bill of Rights ensures any abuse of power from the part of the government. Citizens enjoy various types of freedom through the Bill of Right

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